Fourth Kalyanak of this pious ceremony is Gyan Kalyanak. Muniraj Shree Shantinath
quitely, happily practiced monkhood for 16 years to attain Selfless, Omniscience
status on ‘Posh Sud Agyaras’ (will be performed on 21st May, 2015). This state is
also known as Arihant Bhagwan, where his knowledge becomes so immense that he can
knows past, present and future of all the substances in the universe in a moment.
His knowledge is coming from within and he does not need physical senses to experience
the knowledge. This occasion is celebrated by Soudharma Indra by holding a Dharma
Sabha or Samavsaran. Arihant Sh. Shantinath Bhagwan does not speak to audience but
Om Dhawani emanate from his body. This Dhawani is grasped at maximum level Sh. Gandhar
Muniraj and by every human being or animals in there own language at there level.
Everyone in Bharat Kshetra are now savoring Om Dhawani and are experiencing there