What is Panchkalyanak Mahotsav?

Pu. Gurudevshree’s bol about events before Garbh Kalyanak

  • देखो ! इस प्रतिष्ठा महोत्सव में यदि आत्मा के स्वभाव को समझे तो आत्मा में धर्म की प्रतिष्ठा होगी । वास्तव में जो चैतन्य के भान सहित पंचकल्याणक देखता है, उसने ही भगवान के पंचकल्याणक साक्षात देखे ।
  • यहां पंचकल्याणक महोत्सव में भी आत्मा को समझने की ही मुख्यता है । यह महोत्सव अनंत भवों का नाश करनेवाला है । भगवान ने आत्मा का जैसा स्वरूप बताया है, वैसा जानना और मानना ही सच्चा महोत्सव है ।
  • Panchkalyanak Pratishtha festival is one of the most important occasions for the Jains. It is celebrated by thousands of Jains for 6 to 8 days. Here the stone and metal statues of Tirthankars are brought as only Murtis until the pratishtha is carried out, where each Murtis become a worshippable idol of Tirthankar Bhagwan. These idols are then worshipped as if Tirthankar Bhagwan is really present and living and pious religious ceremonies are performed daily.
  • The Panchkalyanak Pratishtha is also festival for an ‘Atma’ to become ‘Parmatma’ i.e. to show us mortals the process to attain Moksha for eternal bliss.
  • Panch-Kalyanak Pratistha Mahottsav is one of the prime reasons for Samyak Darshan
  • In Bharat Kshetra all 24 Tirthankars (Rishabhdev to Mahavir) had 5 Kalyanak in their lives. Here in Shree 1008 Shantinath Digambar Jinbimb Panchkalyanak Pratishtha Mahotsav these 5 Kalyanaks will be enacted on statue of Shree Shantinath Bhagwan prior to its installation in the newly constructed Mandir.
  • Shree Shantinath’s statue will be installed as Vidhinayak and events from his life will be depicted in form of plays and Bhakti songs. The celebrations and ceremonies are conducted by the Pratishthacharya, who will be responsible to organize and to ensure that each event is performed as per the scriptures by the participants. Pratishthacharya performs all the ceremonies in such a way that each and every person present there feels that they are witnessing all the events of Shree Shantinath Bhagwan live in Hastinapur (birth place of Bhagwan). This is true essence of the Pratishtha Mahotsav.
  • The Pratishtha depicts 5 phases of life of Shree Shantinath, namely Garbhkalyanak, Janmakalyanak, Tapkalyanak, Gyankalyanak and finally Mokshakalyanak. After enacting these Kalyanaks Shree Shantinath’s statue will become Shree Shantinath Bhagwan.

Events before Garbh Kalyanak

Pu. Gurudevshree’s bol about events before Garbh Kalyanak

  • श्री तीर्थंकर भगवान के आत्मा को पूर्वभव में आत्मभान सहित शुभ-विकल्प उठने पर तीर्थंकर नामकर्म बंधता है ।
    तीर्थंकर होनेवाले विशिष्ट जीवों को ही वह प्रकृति बंधती है ।
  • माता के गर्भ में तीर्थंकर भगवान के आत्मा के आने के छ्ह माह पहले से देवता, माता की सेवा करने के लिए आते हैं । वे कहते हैं – “अहो माता ! आप धन्य हैं । आप न केवल भगवान की माता हो, बल्कि सारे जगत की माता हो ।” – इत्यादि अनेक प्रकार से वे माता की भक्ति करते हैं और कुबेर उनके घर पर सदा रत्नवर्षा करते हैं ।

An Mangal event occurs six months before Sh. Shantinath Bhagwan’s soul enters in Achiradevi mother’s womb. Kuber (Heavenly Being) showers jewel and gems on the city of Hastinapur (King Vishwasen’s Kingdom) on the instructions of Soudharma Indra (Heavenly Being). The entire ambiance becomes joyous and festive due to this auspicious event. 56 Devis (Angels) from Swarga (Heaven) come to Hastinapur to look after the welfare of Achiradevi mother. Entire universe is eagerly waiting for Sh. Shantinath Bhagwan’s soul arrival in Bharat Kshetra.

About Garbh Kalyanak

Pu. Gurudevshree’s bol about Garbh Kalyanak

  • छह माह बाद माता को सोलह स्वप्न आते हैं और उनके गर्भ में भगवान का जीव आता हैं । माता के गर्भ में भगवान का आत्मा, सम्यग्दर्शन और सम्यक मति-श्रुत-अवधिज्ञान सहित ही आता है ।
  • अहो ! भगवान तो माता के गर्भ में अवतार लेते समय भी चैतन्य स्वरूप शुद्धात्मा के भान सहित थे । अरे ! धर्म का आधार तो आत्मा ही है, जबकि लोग बाह्य क्रिया के आधार से धर्म मानकर भटक रहे हैं ।

The first Kalyanak is celebrated as Garbhkalyanak. Garbhkalyanak starts with Queen Achiradevi’s 16 pious dreams and along with the arrival of Bhagwan’s Jiv in Mother’s womb on ‘Shravan Vad Satam’ (will be performed on 18th May, 2015). The wait period of the universe has ended on this day and peace spreads all over the city waiting for Shree Shantinath Bhagwan’s soul birth in Bharat Kshetra.

About Janma Kalyanak

Pu. Gurudevshree’s bol about Janma Kalyanak

आज भगवान के जन्मकल्याणक महोत्सव का प्रसंग है । तीर्थंकर देवों का जन्म शुद्धात्मा के भान सहित ही होता है । देव और देवियां उनकी सेवा करती हैं, रत्नों की वर्षा होती है, इन्द्र आकर जन्मकल्याणक महोत्सव मनाते हैं – यह तो सब पुण्य का प्रभाव है । अहो, ऐसा पुण्य किसे बंधता है? जिसे आत्मा का भान हो और पुण्य की भावना न हो, उसे ही ऐसा पुण्य बंध जाता है ।


The second Kalyanak of Panchkalyanak Mahotsva is celebrated as Janmakalyanak. Janmakalyanak depicts birth of Shree Shantinath Bhagwan in Bharat Kshetra in Hastinapur on ‘Vaishakh Vad Chaudas’ (will be performed on 19th May, 2015). Bal Prabhu’s birth is celebrated by all with great joy and happiness. Peace spreads in the entire universe including hell, where a moment of peace is experienced by Jiv. Soudharma Indra becomes so ecstatic that he gazes with 1008 eyes to enjoy Bal Shantinath’s beauty. The new born Shantinath is taken to Panduk Silla on Sumeru Parvat (Mountain) where Janma Abhishek is ordered with 1008 Kalash of Kshirsagar (Ocean) water. Soudharma Indra is overcome with so much joy that he starts dancing (Tandav Nritya), singing and praising Bal Shantinath. Bal Shantinath is a Kamdev who is destined to become Chakravarti and Tirthankar. Everyone enjoys the glorious childhood of Bal Shantinath.

About Diksha Kalyanak

Pu. Gurudevshree’s bol about Diksha Kalyanak

  • यहां स्थापना-निक्षेप से तीर्थंकर भगवान का दीक्षाकल्याणक मनाया जा रहा है । पूर्व में जो तीर्थंकर भगवान हो गये हैं, उन्हें वर्तमान ज्ञान में याद करके स्थापना की
    जाती है । आत्मा को सम्यग्दर्शन और सम्यग्ज्ञान होने के बाद चारित्रदशा हुए बिना मुक्ति नहीं होती ।
  • तीर्थंकर भगवान को भी मुनिदशा हुए बिना कभी मुक्ति प्रकट नहीं होती । इसलिए वैराग्य होने पर वे स्वयं दीक्षा अंगीकार करते हैं, आत्मध्यान में लीन होते हैं और उन्हें तुरन्त सातवां गुणस्थान और मन:पर्ययज्ञान प्रकट हो जाता है ।

The third Kalyanak is observed as Diksha Kalyanak. This Kalyanak is spiritually prepared for Vairagya (Remorse), where Chakravarti King Shree Shantinath is looking at his reflection in the mirror and he observes deterioration in his magnificent stature. Chakravarti King Shree Shantinath suddenly remembers his past births, feels Vairagya and renounced his 6 Khand’s (Kingdom), 9 Treasure’s (Nidhi’s) and 14 Gems characteristic of Chakravarti status on ‘Vaishakh Vad Chaudas’ (will be performed on 20th May, 2015). At the Diksha Kalyanak ceremony all the clothes are discarded and all the hairs are pulled in one attempt to become Digambar Sadhu (Saint). He takes Diksha with full understanding of the vows and practice that will be followed for rest of his life. He practices meditation (Tap) in silence for purification of his soul. Thus he enters in supreme Panch Parmesthi status for upliftment his soul. On rare occasions Muniraj Sh. Shantinath comes to the village for food and everyone is keenly waiting for this fortunate occasion.

About Gyan Kalyanak

Pu. Gurudevshree’s bol about Gyan Kalyanak

  • जब अभेद चैतन्य स्वभाव में स्थिरता द्वारा चैतन्य में भेद करनेवाले औपाधिकभाव नष्ट होने पर अखण्ड केवलज्ञान द्वारा आत्मा प्रत्यक्ष ज्ञात होता है, तब वाणी भी सहज ही अभेद हो जाती है । भगवान के आत्मा ने सर्वज्ञता प्रकट की और समवसरण में उनकी ‘ॐ ’ ध्वनि खिरी ।
  • भगवान अपने उपदेश में यही कहते हैं कि “हे भव्यजीवो ! तुम अपने ज्ञान में सर्वज्ञ का निर्णय करो । तुम्हारे आत्मा में भी सर्वज्ञ स्वभाव भरा है, तुममें भगवान बनने की पूर्ण सामर्थ्य भरी है, उसकी श्रद्धा करके उसका सेवन करो तो परमात्मदशा प्रकट हो”।

Fourth Kalyanak of this pious ceremony is Gyan Kalyanak. Muniraj Shree Shantinath quitely, happily practiced monkhood for 16 years to attain Selfless, Omniscience status on ‘Posh Sud Agyaras’ (will be performed on 21st May, 2015). This state is also known as Arihant Bhagwan, where his knowledge becomes so immense that he can knows past, present and future of all the substances in the universe in a moment. His knowledge is coming from within and he does not need physical senses to experience the knowledge. This occasion is celebrated by Soudharma Indra by holding a Dharma Sabha or Samavsaran. Arihant Sh. Shantinath Bhagwan does not speak to audience but Om Dhawani emanate from his body. This Dhawani is grasped at maximum level Sh. Gandhar Muniraj and by every human being or animals in there own language at there level. Everyone in Bharat Kshetra are now savoring Om Dhawani and are experiencing there trueselves.

About Moksha Kalyanak

Pu. Gurudevshree’s bol about Moksha Kalyanak

हे जीवो ! मैं सिद्ध हूँ और तुम भी सिद्ध हो, तुम्हारे आत्मा में सिद्धपना समा जाये – ऐसी ताकत है । जो ज्ञान सिद्धों को जानकर अपने में सिद्धपने की स्थापना करता है, उस ज्ञान में सिद्ध जैसी सामर्थ्य है । भगवान ने क्या करके मोक्ष प्राप्त किया ? भगवान ने परजीवों का कुछ नहीं किया, बल्कि सर्वप्रथम अपने आत्मा में भेदविज्ञान प्रकट किया ।


Final and fifth Kalyanak is Moksha Kalyanak. Arihant Prabhu Shree Shantinath Bhagwan preached the path of Liberation (Om Dhawani) for 25,000 years and finally was permanently liberated from birth – death cycle on ‘Magshar Vad Chaudas’ (will be performed on 22nd May, 2015) on Sammed Shikhar’s Kundprabh hill to reside for infinite time in Siddhalay in Siddha Status. Moksha is the complete liberation of soul from the unhappiness, body, attachments, desires of worldly matters. Atma (soul) will live infinitely and contently in eternal peace and happiness. It is a day of joy for followers because Bhagwan attains Nirvana but it is also a day of sorrows for the followers because Bhagwan will depart on this day for ever and the mumukshus will not have the benefit of his teachings anymore.